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Tag: Lifehacks

Tainted money

Tainted money

What if we started tracing how money moves around in our economy, in an open and transparent way? Hypothetically, Practically (see below(!)), I can start voluntarily taint money that goes through me. Publicize how much money I got from who, and to who do I give it. An extreme way of “voting” with every economic transaction I make. What if organizations started to do this in a standardized way? Could this make some money worth more than other money? Could…

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Watch a YouTube channel offline with your iPhone/iPod

Watch a YouTube channel offline with your iPhone/iPod

Image by Quang Minh (YILKA) via Flickr YouTube channels are a wonderful way to keep up-to-date. The White-House, TED, or some nice music players (i.e. Playing for change) – all use YouTube channels to stream some great content. Watching this content offline – could be a great use of your time in some situations… The problem is, that YouTube doesn’t offer an easy way to get this channel on your MP4 player. Lucky for me – iTunes together with RSSHandler…

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Rent Personal Assistant needed

Rent Personal Assistant needed

  I’m quite sure it’s possible to find my next place for rent with an investment of about 6 hours, and a month’s worth of rent. The plan is this: 40 minutes interview over Skype with MyRentPA ™. Scan through videos of appropriate appartments – ~5mins x 8 videos. A deeper look into the top 3 appartments: 10 mins x 2. ~3 meetings x 1.5 hours. The only problem is that MyRentPA doesn’t really exist. Yet. 🙂 I wish they…

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